The Suddenly Team

Noah Oo | President and Founder

Noah was born in Orlando, FL, but moved to Myanmar (Burma) at a young age. He spent his formative years in Burma and moved back to the United States in 2021. From there, he finished high school in three years and developed an insatiable passion to understand the world, eventually turning to literature and philosophy for answers. Noah is the President of Incubate.Emory and now works at Emory University’s Center for Ethics. His research interests focus on the connections between psychoanalysis and literature.

Elena Corrigan | Contributing Faculty

Dr. Glazov-Corrigan, born in Moscow, was forced to leave her country when her family was stripped of Soviet citizenship during the Nixon era, yet became in time a scholar and teacher, specializing in Russian and Comparative literature as well as literary theory. Dr. Glazov-Corrigan is currently the director of Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies at Emory University. Her forthcoming book is Apocalyptic Aesthetic: the Transformation of Boris Pasternak’s Prose, to be submitted to Ohio State University Press.

Kevin Corrigan | Contributing Faculty

Dr. Corrigan is the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Interdisciplinary Humanities at Emory University. He is one of the leading Platonic scholars of the world, yet his research interests encompass Classics, History, Philosophy, Religion, Theology, Patristics and Literature. Dr. Corrigan’s most recent book is A Less Familiar Plato: From Phaedo to Philebus, Cambridge University Press in a new series Platonism and Religion, 2023.

Elena Vallis | Editor in Chief

Elena is an English and philosophy double major (class of 2026). Outside of Suddenly, she is a consultant at the Emory Writing Center, associate editor for In Via, assistant editor for JSPE (Journal of Society, Politics, and Ethics), and fellowship chair for OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship), as well as a member of University Chorus. She served as an English second language instructor for a semester in Ecuador and looks forward to a career in teaching. Elena loves cooking, animals, and classic literature, and has been horseback riding since she was 5.

Sophie Bannon | Associate Editor, Communications Specialist

Sophie is a philosophy and Spanish double major on the pre-law track (class of 2026); she is very passionate about immigration law and plans to intern at the Latin American Association in the fall! Outside of her majors, she loves taking English literature courses and creative writing workshops, and is a frequent member of the latinx pre-law society, club tennis, and OCF (Orthodox Christian Fellowship). She loves reading classics, spending quality time with friends, and drawing. She also fully intends on being a poet after her career as a lawyer…

Olivier Jawornicki | Associate Editor

Olivier Jawornicki is studying religion, philosophy, and international studies. Inspired by his search for more among the mundane blandness of a self-complacent life, Olivier hopes to continue writing inspired works, pushing his body and mind to their limits, and becoming a man for others. On his journey, he hopes to continue building connections with strangers and discovering the secrets of the world with them.

Fun fact: I’ve walked 40 miles in a day.

Oz Alon | Associate Editor

Oz Alon is a student from Emory studying Chemistry on the pre-med track. He is heavily interested in philosophy, with a particular interest in Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Hegel. He also enjoys all things outdoors, with hiking, kayaking, and swimming being some of his favorite activities to do in his hometown of Davie, Florida.

Fun fact: Oz has a 1367 day streak on DuoLingo! Unfortunately, it hasn’t worked so far.

Joseph Tang | Associate Editor

Joseph Tang is a Classics/English and Philosophy double major.